Keep Them Laughing DVD
This is a great 2-disc DVD from a superb children’s entertainer. Disc one is his show. Disc two might be the best part – two 30-minute shows with no props! Just a mic. Total of 3 hours of material. See more below.

The 3D DVD featuring David, Danny, and Doug
The 3D DVD is an original DVD which was created for sale at the 2014, IBM/SAM Combined Convention in ST; Louis. David Kaye, Danny Orleans, and Doug Scheer lectured together on Family Magic. (3D, get it?) This is not a video of the lecture. It is an original DVD to represent our three different approaches to children’s magic. Scroll down for more info.

Seriously Silly Live
For the first time on video you can learn Kidshow Magic from David Kaye.

Seriously Silly DVD and Book Combo Pack
Now you can own both the Seriously Silly book and the companion Seriously Silly Live DVD for a special low price of only $100. It’s a Silly Billy Starter Kit!

Birthday Party Magic
Taped live at KIDabra, this two disc DVD features 20 (yes, 20!) of the best kid show entertainers in the country performing their favorite birthday party magic tricks and ideas.

Halloween Magic
Taped live at KIDabra, this two-DVD set is full of information on adding Halloween tricks to your show.

Holiday, Christmas, and Hanukah Magic
Taped live at KIDabra, this two-DVD set is the only place you will find this much information on theming your show for the holiday season. Scroll down for more info.

KIDabra KIDshow Superstars Vol. 1
On this new DVD you will see a fascinating and entertaining interview between Terry Herbert and David Kaye.

Magic for Under Fives
England’s top children’s magician teaches you how to entertain the younger set.